
时间:2020-09-11 17:37 来源:研导师 文加考研






  新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus / new strain of coronavirus

  肺病 pneumonia

  爆发 outbreak

  呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases

  禽流感病毒 avian influenza virus

  密切接触者 close contacts

  传染源 source of infection

  潜伏期 incubation period

  疑似病例 suspected case

  确诊病例 confirmed case

  得肺炎 get/catch pneumonia

  接受医学观察 under medical observation

  解除医学观察 be discharged from medical observation

  治愈出院 be discharged from hospital after recovery

  隔离 quarantine

  封城 lockdown

  疫苗 vaccine

  抗体 antibody

  阴性的 negative

  阳性的 positive

  重症患者 patient in critical condition

  定点医院 designated hospital

  临时医院 makeshift hospital/Improvised hospital

  致死率 fatality rate

  流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation

  病毒爆发 virus outbreak

  遏制疫情爆发 contain the outbreak

  严格隔离政策 strict isolation policy

  携带病毒 carrying the virus

  超级传染源 superspreader

  医疗费用报销 reimbursement for medical expenses

  中国大部分地区口罩供应紧张 tight supplies in large areas of China

  人传人 human-to-human transmission

  医务人员感染 infection of medical worker

  生活必需品 necessities of life/daily necessities

  错峰上下班 Staggered rush hour plan

  居家办公 Work from home

  在线教育 Online education

  在线直播 Online streaming

  远程办公 Tele commuting

  云办公软件 Cloud-based office tools

  网上就业服务 Online recruitment services

  满负荷生产 Operate at full capacity

  卫生系统 health system

  流行病学史 Historical epidemiology

  超长潜伏期 Ultra-long incubation period

  气溶胶传播 Aerosol transmission

  交叉感染 Cross infection

  拐点 Turning point

  初发症状 Incipient symptoms

  试剂盒 Test kit

  呼吸机 Ventilator/respirator

  世卫组织驻华代表处 WHO China Representative Office

  全球防范检测委员会 Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

  中国红十字会 Red Cross Society of China

  疾病预防控制中心 Disease prevention and control institutions

  方舱医院 Temporary treatment centers

  重症监护病区 Intensive care unit(ICU)

  普通病区 Inpatient ward

  隔离区 Isolation ward

  生命重于泰山 Saving lives is of paramount importance

  疫情就是命令,防控就是责任 Go where there is epidemic,fight it till it perishes

  抗击疫情第一线 the front line of the battle against the epidemic

  驰援武汉 Race against the clock to assist Wuhan

  科学防治,依法防治,精准防治,深入落实 Implementation of science-based,legal,and targeted measures in the prevention and control of the epidemic

  增强收治能力 Raise the hospital admission capacity

  杜绝瞒报漏报 Say NO to concealing or underreporting infections

  禁止密集聚会 Ban mass gatherings

  保障医疗防护物资供应 Ensure the supply of medical protective equipment


