
时间:2022-03-13 13:06 来源:研导师 文加考研


学校: 江西科技师范大学
专业: 理学->材料科学与工程->材料学
年级: 2022
招生人数: 3
招生状态: 正在招生中
国家线和单科线均过a区分数线。学过四大化学均可。2022年江西省材料表面工程重点实验室胡长员教授课题组招收材料、化学类学硕调剂生 一、课题组老师简介 胡长员教授,男,博士,1974年出生,硕士研究生导师,课题组长,任职于江西科技师范大学材料与机电学院(学校位于江西省省会南昌市)、江西省材料表面工程重点实验室,主要从事光催化材料、环境污染物降解等方面的研究工作,现招收数名具有材料、化学知识背景的全日制学术型调剂生。 郑世政,男,校聘副教授,硕士研究生导师,2019年南开大学博士毕业,现任职于江西科技师范大学材料与机电学院、江西省材料表面工程重点实验室,主要从事电催化水分解以及超级电容器相关研究。二、研究方向 1、光催化:碳纳米材料(碳纳米管、石墨烯、碳量子点)与纳米半导体材料在环境污染物降解中的应用2、电化学析氢(her)/析氧(oer):过渡金属磷化物、氢氧化物及二维mxene材料在电化学分解水中的应用3、超级电容器:碳纳米材料、金属氧化物、导电聚合物及二维mxene材料在电化学储能中的应用三、主持课题
1. 光催化增强碳包覆氧空位金属氧化物电容性能与稳定性研究,国家自然科学基金(2216090106),2022.01-2025.12,主持,在研
2. 碳包覆氧空位bi2o3电极设计与储能机理研究,江西省教育厅科技项目(gjj201129), 2021.01-2022.12,主持,在研3、基于异质结作用和上转换效应的cqds/bi2o4/tio2复合物光催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金(21663012),2017.01-2020.12,主持,已结题4、多级结构tio2-bi2o4-cqds复合物光催化性能研究,江西省自然科学基金(20181bab203009),2018.01-2020.12,主持,已结题5、纳米功能材料创新团队,江西科技师范大学创新团队项目(2015cxtd003),2016.01-2019.12,主持,已结题6、纳米金与石墨烯协同作用提高tio2光催化性能的研究,国家自然科学基金(21163008),2012.01-2015.12,主持,已结题7、金-石墨烯-二氧化钛复合物制备及其光催化性能研究,江西省自然科学基金(20114bab203009),2011.01-2013.12,主持,已结题(被评为优秀)8、tio2包覆mwcnts复合物制备及其光催化性能研究,江西省自然科学基金(2008gqh0021),2008.01-2010.12,主持,已结题(被评为优秀)9、纳米mos2/α-s复合物可见光催化性能研究,江西省教育厅科技项目(gjj13576),2013.01-2014.12,主持,已结题10、碳纳米管悬浊液制备及其应用,江西省教育厅科技项目(gjj10598),2010.01-2011.12,主持,已结题11、碳纳米管-二氧化钛复合物用于光催化研究,江西省教育厅科技项目(gjj08367),2008.01-2009.12,主持,已结题 四、近几年发表的部分学术论文
1. yanting ma, yangyang bai, baiping liang, ruofan yang, xiongying jiang,shizheng zheng*, cuiqing zhang*, changyuan hu*, doping-induced morphology modulation for boosting the capacity and stability of nanocrystals assembled ni1-xcoxse2, applied surface science 579 (2022) 152156.
2. yanting ma, yangyang bai, baiping liang, ruofan yang, shizheng zheng*,changyuan hu*, cuiqing zhang*, mof-derived hierarchical bi2o3 as advanced anode for ni/bi alkaline battery with high energy density, colloids and surfaces a, 633 (2022) 127896.
3. ruofan yang, feng qin, shizheng zheng, changyuan hu*, yanting ma, baiping liang, yangyang bai, cuiqing zhang, fabrication of three-dimensional hierarchical biobr/bi2o4 p╟n
heterojunction with excellent visible light photodegradation performance for 4-chlorophenol, journal of physics and chemistry of solids 161 (2022) 110381.
4. shizheng zheng, feng qin, changyuan hu*, cuiqing zhang*, yanting ma, ruofan yang, lin wei, liwen bao, up-converted nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots to accelerate charge transfer of dibismuthtetraoxide for enhanced full-spectrum photocatalytic activity, colloids and surfaces a, 615 (2021) 126217.
5.shizheng zheng, cuiqing zhang, yanting ma, ruofan yang, feng qin, lin wei, changyuan hu*, hierarchical polypyrrole encapsulating bi2o4 to enhance charge separation and light absorption with boosted visible light photocatalytic activity, ceramics international, 47 (2021) 10574.
6. chengyu li, yaya ma, shizheng zheng, changyuan hu*,feng qin, lin wei, cuiqing zhang, shuwan duo, quanhong hu. acid etching followed by hydrothermal preparation of nanosized bi2o4/bi2o3 p-n junction as highly efficient visible-light photocatalyst for organic pollutants removal. journal of colloid and interface science, 576 (2020) 291╟301
7.chengyu li, yaya ma,  shizheng zheng, changyuan hu*, feng qin,  lin wei,  cuiqing zhang, shuwang duo, quanhong hu.one-pot synthesis of bi2o3/bi2o4 p-n heterojunction for highly efficient photocatalyticremovalof organic pollutantsunder visible light irradiation. journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 140 (2020) 1093768.cuiqing zhang,yaya ma, chengyu li, feng qin, changyuan hu*, quanhong hu, shuwang duo. spatially confined growth of bi2o4 into hierarchical tio2 spheres for improved visible light photocatalytic activity, journal of materials science, (2020) 55:3181-3194.9.yaya ma, cuiqing zhang, chengyu li, feng qin, lin wei, changyuan hu*, quanhong hu, shuwang duo. nanoscaled bi2o4 confined in firework-shaped tio2 microspheres with enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance. colloids and surfaces a, 2019, 580,123757.10. shizheng zheng, yang fu, lijun zheng, zhengyou zhu, guangtao yu, dachi yang, polypyrrole encapsulated tib2 as newly emerged electrocatalyst with highly boosted hydrogen evolution performance, ceramics international, 2019,45,23298-23303.11. shizheng zheng, yang fu, lijun zheng, zhengyou zhu, jian chen, zhiqiang niu, dachi yang, pedot-engineered bi2o3nanosheet arrays for flexible asymmetric supercapacitors with boosted energy density. j. mater. chem. a, 2019, 7, 5530-5538.12.shizheng zheng, lijun zheng, zhengyou zhu, jian chen, jianli kang, zhulin huang, dachi yang, mos2 nanosheet arrays rooted on hollow rgo spheres as bifunctional hydrogen evolution catalyst and supercapacitor electrode. nano-micro lett. 2018, 62: 10.13. cuiqing zhang, xiaoyu li, shizheng zheng, yaya ma, changyuan hu*, chengyu li, shuwang duo, quanhong hu. construction of tio2 nanobelts-bi2o4 heterojunction with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity. colloids and surfaces a, 2018, 548,150╟157.14. xiaoyu li, shizheng zheng, cuiqing zhang, changyuan hu*, fei chen, yingying sun, shuwanduo, rongbin zhang, quanhong hu, wenkui li. synergistic promotion of photocatalytic performance by core@shell structured tio2/au@rgo ternary photocatalyst. molecular catalysis, 2017, 438, 55╟65.15. changyuan hu*, chengjiang lian, shizheng zheng, xiaoyu li, tiewen lu, quanhong hu, shuwang duo, rongbin zhang, yingying sun, fei chen. improved photocatalytic activity of tio2 produced by an alcohothermal approach through in-situ decomposition of nh4hco3. journal of energy chemistry, 2016, 25, 489╟494.  16. changyuan hu*, chengjiang lian, shizheng zheng, shuwang duo, rongbin zhang, quanhong hu, shujuan zhang, xiaoyu  li, yingying sun, fei chen. grinding combined melt-diffusion synthesis of sulfur/p25 heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light. journal of molecular catalysis a: chemical, 2015, 407,182╟188.  17. changyuan hu*, shizheng zheng, chengjiang lian, fei chen, tiewen lu, quanhong  hu, shuwang duo, rongbin zhang, chengyu guan. alpha-s nanoparticles grownon mos2 nanosheets: a novel sulfur-based photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic performance. journal of molecular catalysis a: chemical, 2015, 396, 128╟135.18. changyuan hu*, shizheng zheng, chengjiang lian, fei chen, tiewen lu, quanhong hu, shuwang duo, rongbin zhang, chengyu guan. one-step synthesis of a sulfur-graphene composite with enhanced photocatalytic performance. applied surface science, 2014, 314, 266╟272.19. tiewen lu, rongbin zhang*, changyuan hu*, fei chen, shuwang duo, quanhong hu. tio2-graphene composites with exposed {001} facets produced by a one-pot solvothermal approach forhigh performance photocatalyst. physical chemistry chemical physics, 2013, 15, 12963-12970.五、招收调剂生要求: 总分及单科过国家a区线,材料、化学、药学类的理科全日制学术型学生均可,英语成绩较好(本次考研英语成绩较高或者已经通过英语六级)的学生可以优先考虑。待调剂系统开放之后,我院会第一时间组织考生复试,欲报从速。六、学生待遇1.学校待遇(http://yjs.jxstnu.edu.cn/html//2018/8-13/n478936836.html,详情参见学校研究生院官网):(1)  设立国家助学金学校给予每生每年国家助学金6000元(档案不转入学校的考生不享受);全日制硕士研究生学费标准每年为8000元。(2)  设立政府奖学金学校每学年开展一次国家奖学金评选,奖励金额为每人20000元。每学年开展一次江西省政府奖学金评选,奖励金额为每人10000元。※本组16届的一位毕业生先后获得了江西省政府奖学金、国家奖学金,申请考核录取到南开大学读博士研究生。18届一位毕业生先后获得了江西省政府奖学金、国家奖学金。19届一位毕业生获得了国家奖学金。20届一位毕业生申请考核录取到武汉理工大学读博士研究生。c.  破格录取和有定向单位且档案不转入学校的考生不享受新生奖学金。(4)  设立学业奖学金为奖励学业优秀的研究生,学校设立学业奖学金(含江西省学业奖学金),奖励覆盖面达100%(特等、一、二、三等学业奖学金比例分别为40%、15%、20%和25%),奖励金额分别8000元、4000元、2000元、1000元,学业奖学金每学年评选一次。其中特等奖学金即为江西省学业奖学金,覆盖面达40%,奖励标准为每生每年8000元。(5)  开展企业或校友资助设立的专项奖学金评选。(6)  学校设有助教、助研、助管岗位,特困补助。(7)  安排专项培养经费学校除各项正常教学经费投入外,另外每年给每位研究生安排培养经费2000元,资助研究生开展科学研究,三年共计6000元。(未尽事宜以学校研究生院官网为准)2、组内补贴:课题组每月额外发放生活补贴300~500元/人; 七、课题组氛围: (1)  师生关系融洽、交流渠道畅通、注重锻炼学生综合能力、关心学生身心成长;(2)  每二周举行一次组会,进行学术交流;(3)  注重学生学术锻炼的全过程培养,即文献阅读、实验方案设计、实验数据收集和科研论文写作的全过程培养八、研究生培养依托单平台江西省材料表面工程重点实验室(隶属于江西科技师范大学材料与机电学院),重点实验室有x射线粉末衍射仪(xrd)、扫描电子显微镜(sem)、透射电子显微镜(tem)等大型仪器设备,为科研实验的顺利进行提供了良好的平台,可以加快实验的进程。热忱欢迎在科研方面感兴趣的同学加入我们的研究团队,有意者请将简历发至以下方式联系!九、联系方式:戴师兄:qq: 1037719543 邮箱: daikejie0823@163.com;18868365880

