
时间:2022-03-12 12:22 来源:研导师 文加考研


学校: 天津商业大学
专业: 工学->食品科学与工程->食品科学
年级: 2022
招生人数: 4
招生状态: 正在招生中
一、        基本信息
二、        研究方向
三、        代表性论著
1)        Lu Yang#, Yan Wen#, Danli Wang#, Xijun Lian*. Effects of ɑβ+ω1,2-gliadin and ω5-gliadin on retrogradation of wheat amylose/amylopectin. Starch/Stärke, 2021, 73(7-8), 2100001.
2)        Junjie Guo#, Lu Yang#, Danli Wang, Xijun Lian*. Research on the influences of two alcohol soluble glutenins on the retrogradation of wheat amylopectin/amylose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 183, 463-472.
3)        Xijun Lian#*, Yanxin Zuo#, Rongxia Jiang#, Lu Yang#, Zonghua Kang*, and Zheng Zhao*. Effects of Alcohol Extracts of Gluten on Oil Uptake of Fried Mahua. Starch – Stärke, 2020, 72(3-4): 1900210
4)        Xijun Lian#*, Li Min, Jiang Rongxia#, Guo Junjie, Feng Zhao. A new method to purify hydroxyl monascus red pigment by retrogradation of both pigments and maize amylopectin. Starch-Stärke, 2019, 1800299.
5)        Xijun Lian*, Cheng Kaili, Wang Danli, Zhu Wei, Xueqing Wang. Analysis of crystals of retrograded starch with sharp X-ray diffraction peaks made by recrystallization of amylose and amylopectin, International Journal of Food Properties. 2018, 20(S3): S3224–S3236
6)        Xijun Lian*, Shirui Dong, Kai Gao, Haiqi Kang, Lin Li, Pei Zhao. Sweet potato amylose and amylopectin with narrower distribution of molar mass and chain length obtained by a repeated retrogradation–hydrolysis procedure. Journal of Applied Polymer. 2016, 133(34): 8311–8319
7)        Junjie Guo, Xijun Lian*, Haiqi Kang*, Kai Gao, and Lin Li*. Effects of glutenin in wheat gluten on retrogradation of wheat starch. European Food Research and Technology. 2016, 242(9):1485–1494.
8)        Xijun Lian*, Lizeng Liu*, Shirui Dong*, Hong Wu, Jixing Zhao, Yanjun Han. Two new monascus red pigments produced by Shandong Zhonghui Food Company in China. European Food Research and Technology. 2015, 240(4): 719-724.
9)        Xijun Lian *, Haiqi Kang*, Haibo Sun, Lizeng Liu, and Lin Li*. Identification of the Main Retrogradation-Related Properties of Rice Starch. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63 (5); 1562-1572(SCI收录,一区)
10)        Lian Xijun*, Guo Junjie, Wang Danli, Li Lin, Zhu Jiaran. Effects of protein in wheat flour on retrogradation of wheat starch. Journal of Food Science.2014, 79(8): C1505-C1511.
11)        Junjie Guo, Haiqi Kang, Xia Feng, Xijun Lian*, Lin Li*. The interaction of sweet potato amylose/amylopectin and KCl during drying. Food Hydrocolloids. 2014,41: 325-331.(SCI收录,二区)
12)        Xijun Lian*, Haibo Sun, Lin Li, Hong Wu, Nan Zhang. Characterizing the chemical features of the lipid and protein in sweet potato and maize starches. Starch/Stärke 2014, 66(3-4): 361-368.
13)        Xijun Lian *, Wei Zhu, Yan Wen, Lin Li, Changyan Wu. Screening of seeds prepared from retrograded potato starch to increase retrogradation rate of maize starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 60: 181-185.
14)        Xijun Lian*, Kunsheng Zhang, Qingfeng Luo, Chen Wang, Xueyan Liu. A possible structure of retrograded maize starch speculated by UV and IR spectra of it and its components. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 50(1): 119-124.
15)        Xijun Lian *, Lin Li, Kunsheng Zhang, Ying Xu, Jiaxin Lu. A new proposed sweet potato starch granule structure-pomegranate concept. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012, 50(3): 471-475.
四、        科研项目
2018.10—2021.09,参加完成天津市自然科学基金重点项目《螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白多肽Phy-t4 对玉米直链淀粉回生的影响及其机制研究》(编号18JCZDJC98200)(第二名)。

