







2012 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题( A 卷)
科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础 满分: 150 分
注意: ①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或
Part I. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from English into
Chinese. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1' X 15 =15')
1. stock exchange 2. economic depression
3. airport terminal 4. CEO
5. NATO 6. Euro-zone
7. greenhouse gas emissions 8. jetliner
9. email spam 10. the House of Representatives
11. composite materials 12. Easter
13. organic food 14. telemarketing
15. jet lag
Part II. Translate the following terms, acronyms and proper names from Chinese
into English. One point for each and the total for this part is 15 points. (1' X 15 =15')
1. 自动飞行系统 2. 微机
3. 欧共体 4. 三农
5. 私企 6. 能耗
7. 第三产业 8. 中国石化
9. 全球定位系统 10. 工商管理硕士
11. 身份证 12. 人大
13. 激光唱片 14. 亚太经合组织
15. 雅思考试
Part III. Translate the following passages from English into Chinese. Each passage
accounts for 30 points and the total for this part is 60 points (30' X 2 = 60').
Passage 1
One of the greatest challenges that face every American president is to ensure
that events of the day do not become cascading crises that crowd out the pursuit of our
nation’s long-term strategic priorities and interests. This has been particularly true
over the past three years, when the US has confronted a daunting array of challenges:
global financial crises; the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; terrorist threats; direct
challenges to global nuclear non-proliferation regimes; and the still unfolding, events
across the Middle East and North Africa. Even as we have dealt with these dynamics, 



